New Sales and Use Tax Rates Effective April 1, 2019

As a result of tax measures receiving taxpayer approval in the November 6, 2018, General Election, the sales and use tax rates of two counties, 51 cities, and 2 unincorporated areas have now increased effective April 1, 2019.
San Benito County’s prior rate was 7.250% but has now increased to 8.250%. The rates of the Cities of Hollister and San Juan Bautista, which already had rates higher than the county rate, increased as well.
Sonoma County’s prior rate was 8.125% but has now increased to 8.250%. The rates of the Cities of Cotati, Healdsburg, Rohnert Park, Sebastopol, Sonoma and Santa Rosa, which already had rates higher than the county rate, also increased.
The Santa Cruz Unincorporated Area increased from 8.500% to 9.000%; and the Yuba County Unincorporated Area increased from 7.250% to 8.250%.
Residents in eleven cities voted to extend their current district taxes and will not see any change in rates.
The CDTFA periodically publishes changes to sales and use tax rates. The “New Sales and Use Tax Rates Operative April 1, 2019” may be found by using this link: All of the changes effective April 1, 2019 are listed by the CDTFA in this publication. The CDTFA’s publication entitled “California Sales and Use Tax Rates by County and City” (operative April 1, 2019) may be found by using this link: “California City & County Sales & Use Tax Rates (effective April 1, 2019), which allows the user to look up either the County or the City may be found by using this link: